My friend is from Russia. He is 10. His name is Arsenii. He is in 5th grade. Same is me. Me and him are friends. He likes soccer. He goes to soccer practise. He has good grades.He lives in a flat.
In The City
1. The man is walking on the roof because he is asleep for at least 2 hours . 2. Some animals are on the roof because they ran out of the window. 3. Three man are sweeping the street because they want to get money. 4. Two man are running on the street because they are racing. 5. People are sleeping at the hotel because they are tired. 6. A bird is on the lamp because it wants to sit there. 7. Man with a bag came into the house because he will make food. 8. There is no one at the cafe because its closed. 9. A man is cleaning in the house because its dirty. 10. Man is laying on the the floor because he is weird. 11. The man with the book is wearing the pijama and running on the street because he is crazy. 12. A man is sleeping because he is tired of paiting. 13. People are working in their office because they need to. 14. There is an a musium because its just there. 15. There is a shop with clothes.
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