Module 2

                                              There are different houses around the world.
     One looks like seashell and let’s talk about it. The seashell house is in Mexico City. A family lives in that house. It has a lot of plants outside and inside also a garden. That house is two storey house with a spiral staircase, a living room, a huge bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Its earthquake proof and it has a great view on the mountains!
     In space you live not in a house you live in a space station. From the space station you can have a great view and also you float in space so you don’t walk there. There isn’t a kitchen ,a cooker or a fridge. When it’s mealtime you eat it from tins and packets. So you don’t use forks and spoons. You wear disposable clothes so you don’t wash them.
     There are three towers that I want to talk about. The first one is Eiffel Tower. It’s a Paris skyline which is 324m tall and weighs over. Over a year 6 million people visit it and it has a great view. Space Needle is in Seattle, Washington. It’s 184m tall it looks like a spaceship. It takes 43 seconds to get to top.Eureka skydeck 88 is in Australia. It’s 300m tall and hundreds of floors.
      Triumph tower is in Moscow. It has 57 floors at high of 264.1m it has around 1000 luxury flats and 15 VIP hotel rooms from there is a great view. It has everything you need a pool,  a fitness center , a cinema and a lot more cool stuff.
     Lake Titicaca is 3812m above sea level. 300 people live there. They have red hits and one school.


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In The City
